Hey friends,
I've started a new blog for my new etsy shop and you should hop on over there and check it out! More than likely, I'll be posting on there, more than here. Come join the fun!! Also, sign up for the super awesome giveaway that ends next Tuesday, February 26th.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
from 2012 to 2013
Things I've learned in 2012:
1) prejudice is taught, not something we are born with.
I see this everyday in our classroom. Students loving on other students who are so different from them. It reminds me that love is still greater than hate and that if you teach someone to love BEFORE you teach them to hate, you see the most genuine and beautiful acts of kindness you have ever seen.
2) actions speak LOUDER than words.
I strive to only say the things I will live out. And I don't always achieve this goal, but I have learned the importance of this truth this year.
3) marriage is a complete blessing with lots of GRACE sprinkled in.
As 2 imperfect human beings, we screw up, we miscommunicate and we hurt each others' feelings. Its bound to happen. But I also have this incredible friend that I get to share life with. There are so many moments of love and laughter that keep my heart full. God knew best and I'm glad He did.
4) people are more important than situations.
No matter what.
Things I want to accomplish in 2013:
1) I want to sell at a craft fair- an actual BIG TIME craft fair and I want to create a shop with an identity that evolves in a healthy way
2) exercise more -not in the way of losing a whole bunch of weight and going on some crazy diet, but more of a way of living. I want to be intentional in riding my bike on pretty days and walking Max and making an effort to go to the gym more than twice a week.
3) cook more/eat healthier -I want to try new recipes and eat healthier foods without wasting
4) keep a gratitude jar -I'd like to make note of things I'm grateful for on a regular basis, perhaps through this blog or a jar. There's so much to be thankful for.
5) grow in my walk with Christ -always.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
small things
I try to make mental notes of all the small things. Those things that may slip by without recognition. The thing is though I don't want to forget them. And perhaps, writing this blog post is an effort to remember. Standing side by side washing dishes, christmas music playing, laughing, that's what I want to remember. There are moments when your heart feels so full and this was one of them.
It was a long day. Needless to say, my nose would not cooperate and neither would our students. Home was a welcome place where I sipped hot tea. Where I watched you and Max play outside and then you climb in a tree and bark at him. He was so confused and I was laughing.
There are so many things I let slip by. I didn't want today to go unnoticed.
What small things are you grateful for?
It was a long day. Needless to say, my nose would not cooperate and neither would our students. Home was a welcome place where I sipped hot tea. Where I watched you and Max play outside and then you climb in a tree and bark at him. He was so confused and I was laughing.
There are so many things I let slip by. I didn't want today to go unnoticed.
What small things are you grateful for?
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Craft hutch makeover
Before and after pictures
Im pretty pleased and it was a fun project. Then my husband hung my map up! I seriously want to hang out in the craft/laundry room all the time now..it looks so cool in there!
In other news, we got a puppy named max! He is the cutest!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
married life
wow. i haven't posted since we got engaged. & now we are MARRIED. God is so good. marriage is such a blessing and also a reminder of how selfish i can be at times. when i think about the past two years and how God orchestrated all of this, i cannot help but smile. initially, shea and i were not attracted to each other nor did we have any interest in dating. after a summer of working together, late nights at sonic, renovating a space for our sunday school class, God somehow intertwined our hearts. i can't even tell you when exactly it happened or how for that matter. all i know is that when we first agreed to work at the church that summer, we were adamantly against dating each other. but i'm glad God had other plans and that He chose us for each other. i'm not really for being sappy, especially on a blog, but i truly have a wonderful husband (even if we've only been married 2 weeks).
There are so many things that I admire and love about Shea.
One is his drive and motivation to be a hard worker and do a great job at whatever task is at hand. I find myself caring more about the quality of work I am doing because I see the value Shea places on his work.
Shea loves Jesus and people. So much.
Shea is one of the most intelligent people I know.
I am always learning something when I am with him.
I love being silly with Shea.
I love how he always makes me laugh.
I love how God is using this marriage to refine me and remind me of His goodness daily. I cannot thank him enough for the gifts He has given me, His son, my Savior and Shea for a husband.

There are so many things that I admire and love about Shea.
One is his drive and motivation to be a hard worker and do a great job at whatever task is at hand. I find myself caring more about the quality of work I am doing because I see the value Shea places on his work.
Shea loves Jesus and people. So much.
Shea is one of the most intelligent people I know.
I am always learning something when I am with him.
Shea wants what is best for me and I can see that in how he talks to me, cares for me, and protects me.
Shea empowers me with God's word and reminds me of the Truth when I'm feeling discouraged.I love being silly with Shea.
I love how he always makes me laugh.
I love how God is using this marriage to refine me and remind me of His goodness daily. I cannot thank him enough for the gifts He has given me, His son, my Savior and Shea for a husband.
Monday, December 19, 2011
The Best Day
When I look back on December 10, it still seems surreal that I got engaged at 4 pm that day in the forest behind my parents’ house. I can still hear their voices up on the balcony as Shea held me in his arms and told me he loved me. Needless to say, I was not expecting this at all, considering the night before we had a conversation that convinced me we were not getting married anytime soon. I was pretty down about that all morning and decided against going Christmas shopping (my intended endeavor), which really threw a kink in Shea’s plans to set up the proposal site. My dad came over and asked me to run to Wal-Mart to get my mom some brown sugar. She and my aunt were doing some baking that day, so I didn’t really question running the errand. I gladly did so. I knew Shea was supposed to come over at some point that morning because Dad was going to “help” him fix an oil gasket on his car.
Upon leaving Wal-Mart, I received a phone call from Shea asking me where I was. He had come over and dropped his car off. Then my dad and him went to the Christmas choir practice. I hated that I missed his visit to my house, but I knew he’d be coming back over for enchiladas that night.
About 2 hours later, Shea came over and hung out while I put up laundry and cleaned the house. He said we should go canoeing and I was like, “Ok!” We had gone before and it was really fun. I was looking forward to it…except Shea was trying to convince me to take a shower beforehand. I was in sweats with a ponytail on the top of my head. I didn’t understand the logic of showering before we went canoeing. I said, “I’m just gonna smell like the outdoors. Why can’t I shower after?” He quickly replied with, “You don’t want to have to worry about showering afterwards, especially with all your guests.” This should have been an indicator to me that something was up, but I was still completely oblivious. I said, “What guests?” He told me that my dad had invited his parents over (not unusual, We’ve had them over plenty of times.) I then proceeded to tell Shea that I needed to vacuum still. He volunteered to vacuum while I showered. So I showered and fixed my hair and I ALMOST didn’t wear make-up, just because I didn’t feel like it and I knew we were JUST going canoeing. But I decided to anyway. I left my phone over at my apartment and skipped out the door.
Shea stopped at his car, which was in my dad’s shop with the hood raised. He put on his coat and piddled around there for what seemed like forever. I couldn’t figure out why he kept taking so long. Then I saw that his parents were already at the house and it was pretty early. We went in and said hi. They asked what we were doing and I quickly replied, “Going canoeing.” His mom remarked, “Don’t fall in! Its cold out there!” Shea jumped off the porch, later regretting his decision to do so and I climbed down also. Both of his hands stayed in his coat pockets as we journeyed down the hill. I asked why and he replied with, “Because they are cold.” I had envisioned us holding hands on our jaunt down to the pond.
Then I stopped…dead in my tracks. There was something against one of the trees. It confused me. I wasn’t expecting it. I asked him what it was and he told me to go see. I said, “No, what is it?” He again replied, “Go see.” A vase of beautiful white flowers sat beside a large wrapped window. I began to unwrap the window and saw in script, “I can see our future…forever…Marry me?” He had also included several pictures of us throughout this year. I quickly turned back around to Shea on one knee and replied, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” He said, “I haven’t even asked you anything yet.” Out of complete and total excitement, I was just answering the question on the window. I don’t remember what all Shea said, although I know it was incredibly sweet.
I do remember him pulling the ring box out of his coat pocket and sliding that beautiful ring on my finger. He explained that it was called the “Love Eternal” ring and that under the diamond setting was an “Infinity Circle” that spins. For as long as it spun, he promised to love me that long too. I also remember hugging him and asking him if we could just stay down there forever. We finally decided to make our journey back up the hill and as we did, he carried the window and I carried the flowers. With arms wide open, my parents greeted us, and the hugging commenced. His parents kept taking pictures.
Still feeling surreal, we began calling loved ones and dear friends to tell them the joyous news. My heart had a hard time handling all of the excitement. It was overflowing. As we discussed later on, all of the puzzle pieces to the past week of mystery came together. Shea had gone “shopping” on 3 different days, which made it difficult for me to see him. Of course, I did not understand, nor have a clue this was about to happen. That Tuesday before our engagement, Shea knew he wanted to marry me. Out Christmas shopping with his parents, his mom asked if there was anything else they needed to do. Shea just looked at her and she knew.
That same Tuesday morning, I was on my way to work and started to pray. It was so important to me that I not idolize being engaged to Shea, nor idolize our marriage. I knew that I wanted so badly to be married, but I also knew that God’s timing is always perfect. I surrendered these things to God that Tuesday morning, desiring to serve Him in all of this. I truly believe that God was waiting for me to surrender all that I had harbored in my heart. Once I surrendered them, I feel as though He compelled Shea’s heart to pursue this engagement. When I asked Shea about it, he said, “All of a sudden, I just knew that I needed to ask you.” The Wednesday before, he waited 2 hours for my dad to get home from work, so he could talk to him.
I love our story with all my heart. Even though I made it so completely difficult for him to propose. What I love even more is that God’s handiwork is woven throughout. I will never forget the rush of emotions. Shea’s promise to me. The thought he put into his proposal. (down to the elbow patches on his shirt) I cannot wait to marry this man God has chosen for me. My prayer is that we continue to grow in His grace and that our ultimate focus is Christ. I am grateful for the opportunity to share all of this with you.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
list five// things i'm thankful for
gratitude. its kind of the theme of november [along with unshaven men], but i'm wishing gratitude to be the theme for my life. so here's to the beginning of intentional gratitude. letting people know i'm thankful for them and why. being aware of all the wonderful things around me. being loved by an incredibly huge God who holds me in his hands.
things i'm thankful for::
(in no particular order)
things i'm thankful for::
(in no particular order)
- my sweet first grade class
- craft night and the dear friends who come
- hot tea & peppermints
- argyle socks
- grace in places unexpected
- letters from my Compassion children
- shea allen harborth [oh how i love him so!]
- family that is supportive and encouraging
- community on sunday mornings
- having a place to call my own
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